Rectangle 12 5 scaled Our legacy

SNS has a long-standing history of delivering dependable healthcare outcomes.

Leaving an enduring impact demands more than commitment and compassion. It’s about designing and delivering a quality service. It’s providing a respectful and comfortable environment for our staff and customers. It’s about leadership and setting a positive example. It’s being at the forefront of innovative care.

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Rectangle 39 Our legacy

As a fully integrated care company, we know everything about caring for the vulnerable and looking after our people – you – like family.

We embrace the responsibility of caring for our community and stand as pillars of strength in child care, home care, aged care and hospital care.

Our legacy is our promise. Engaging with SNS will make your experience hassle-free and complete. We reduce healthcare problems by fostering collaboration and transparent communication. We empower individuals, families and communities to take charge of their health needs with the best-integrated support.

Comprehensive healthcare is a human right, not a privilege. With our leadership team and experienced nursing and child care staff, we connect WA families to exceptional healthcare – every day.

Our services are available in Western Australia to all those who need them. Regardless of your cultural background, beliefs and health condition, you’ll get the highest level of care with sensitivity and understanding. Our team is devoted to building a legacy by learning from our communities and embracing the people in them while addressing the issues others often avoid. Not because it’s easy or popular -but because it’s the right thing to do.

Whether you need home services, child care, NDIS support hospital care or aged care, SNS serves you. Families trust us to be the care provider for their loved ones.

Our commitment to you:

You get the same dependable experience every time

Connected, conductive, conscious

Provided with dignity and respect

Meeting the simple and complex needs of you and your loved ones

Real people who care for you like family

Find specialised care today

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