After a recent detailed audit of the SNS Childcare Bentley Centre the Education and Care Regulatory Unit (ECRU), which is the childcare watchdog in Western Australia, awarded our Bentley Centre with a rating of “Meeting”. What does this mean you may ask? Good question! 

A “Meeting” rating means that overall, the Bentley Centre is meeting the standards in all seven quality areas. The National Quality Standards (NQS) sets a high benchmark, an overall rating of ‘Meeting’ is a great achievement. The 7 National Quality Standards are:

  • Educational program and practice
  • Children’s health and safety
  • Physical environments
  • Staffing arrangements
  • Relationships with children
  • Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
  • Governance and Leadership

The General Manager of SNS Childcare Maddi Kingi says that it’s fantastic to gain this sort of rating in the industry and it’s a real credit to everyone that works at the Bentley Centre. 

Childcare is not an easy industry to work in but it’s so rewarding to help and guide young children develop and grow. Maddi added SNS Childcare has not stopped here with the Meeting rating as we are continually looking to improve. Two examples of our continued improvement are firstly our intergenerational program with SwanCare which is getting better and better at each session and implementing our online platform Story Park is providing a better service and communication with families and ultimately benefiting the children.