SNS Childcare Bentley have had the pleasure in participating in the “Small Steps” Intergenerational Program with SwanCare (a local residential aged care organisation). This initiative has brought such joy to the residents and has brought a new level of excitement to our Bentley Centre each Friday.

Children and the elderly do not seem like they would have much in common, but while they may seem like mismatched companions, time spent between children and the elderly shouldn’t be underestimated. The children here at SNS Bentley have taken such pride and great achievement in setting up their room each Friday ready for the residents to come in a join them. This is a fantastic learning and partnership journey. Each Friday we plan activities based off both the children’s interest and those of the residents.

An Australian study showed that shared play between older individuals and in child care settings can have impressive positive results for everyone involved. There is even talk of intergenerational shared care programs! This joint new friendship has seen some of our children gain more confidence in communicating and coming out of their shells in more social situations. The residents have become great friends with the children and are delighted to visit us at our Bentley centre. We can’t wait to continue to grow our new found relationships with the residents at SwanCare.